User Manual
In general mixes are performed with the tracks disarmed, and then there is no work to do to get the sound coming
through the channel. As long as there is audio on the track it will be heard. When a track is armed (or switched to
monitor its input at the Editing console) it will only be heard if a physical input is patched to it (actually you cannot
arm a track unless it has a physical input).
8.3.4 Sources
The source for a FEED is the physical INPUT which provides signal for it. Busses can also be selected as sources for
FEEDS. This allows you, for example, to record a Buss on to a disk track. Channels which have been stereo linked will
present two fields for input patching.
Input port selection
The top section of the screen contains a grid, into which are placed the appropriate selection buttons for the opera-
tion at hand. At the bottom of the screen is a set of buttons representing different classes of Inputs that may be used
for the chosen operation. For example, in an Input port selection page for a LIVE FEED, the classes of inputs avail-
able are Input ports, Main Buss Out and Buss Out, so three buttons with these names on appear at the lower
left of the screen. Pressing one of these buttons puts buttons corresponding to all available inputs of that class onto
the screen grid. The buttons are additive, so if we press both Input Port and Main Buss Out, we see both types
of inputs available for selection. Once on the screen, the appropriate button may be pressed to select that Input.
Sharing Inputs
A buss may be attached to more than one feed simultaneously, but an input may not. If a buss is selected for connec-
tion to a feed which is already connected to another feed or feeds, a dialogue will appear asking the user whether
they wish to Takeover or Share that buss. Selection of Takeover will disconnect the buss from any other feeds,
whereas selection of share will connect it to the new feed in addition to any previously connected feeds.
Where the feed is a track feed, the input will only become active when it is armed or switched to THRU. On arming
or switching a track to THRU, any other armed or THRU track with that input as its source will be disarmed or
switched out of THRU, according to normal MFX rules.
A LIVE FEED behaves as if it were a permanently armed track. Thus in all circumstances the lowest numbered LIVE
FEED with an input attached will have access to that input, disabling that input to any other tracks or LIVE FEEDS.
Thus it will be impossible to arm any track if the input attached to that track is also connected to any LIVE FEED, and
the input will not be active on any higher numbered LIVE FEEDS until it is disconnected from the lower numbered