3. Description
DEPOLOX® Pool Compact
Fast dosing pumps can be actuated by a low Tp,
slow dosing pumps can be actuated by a high
Tp. The control parameter Tp must always be
adjusted to suit the dosing pump used:
Example pH:
for control direction "Acid" => lower pH value
when adding acid
Tn -
Integral action time (I-element) of the PI
On the basis of the integral action time Tn,
the dosing rate changes constantly until the
setpoint is reached. The higher the value of
Tn, the longer it takes until the controller
increases the dosing rate.
Tn higher: Control response is slower
Tn lower: Control response is faster
Setting range: 0 to 100 min
(Tn = 0 means that the "I-element" is deacti-
vated, i.e. a pure P-control response
applies). It may not be possible to reach the
setpoint value.
– Cycle period
Only applies to dosing pumps. The cycle
period Tp defines a switching period, which
must be coordinated with the respective
pump type.
Setting range: 10 to 180 s
Dosing pump strokes/min
Tp value
to 20
20 to 40
40 to 80
80 to 125
125 to 200
– Loop rise time
Time required to reach the end value of the
measuring range with 100 % dosing rate.
This time is defined automatically by the sys-
tem for automatic tuning, but it can also be
entered manually.
Setting range: 1.0 to 480.0 min
– Loop dead time
Time required between start of dosing and
clear recognition of an increase in the mea-
sured value. This time is defined automati-
cally by the system for automatic tuning, but
it can also be entered manually.
Setting range: 1.0 to 60 min
If the Tu and Ts values are modified manu-
ally, the control parameters Xp and Tn are
– Running time of the positioner
Only applies to positioners. Ty is the time
the positioner requires to adjust from 0 % to
100 %.
Setting range: 10 to 180 s
Control direc.
– Control direction
Defines which medium is used to perform
the correction. Only for 2-point control for
Setting range: Acid / Alkali for pH control
– Proportional factor of the PI controller
The control amplification is determined by
means of the proportional factor. The lower
the proportional factor Xp is selected in %,
the greater the deviation from the setpoint
is amplified, and the more quickly the cont-
roller attempts to control the deviation from
the setpoint. The control amplification fac-
tor is calculated using the following equa-
tion: Factor = (1/Xp) x 100 %
Setting range: 1 % (factor 100) to 1000 %
(factor 0.1)
– Neutral zone
Only applies to 3-point controllers. There is
no control output within the neutral zone.
Setting range: 1 to 5 % (based on the measu-
ring range)