Liebert iCOM
Fans / Heaters / Humidifier Settings
• Number of starts and working hours are counted separately since the last maintenance. Total
working hours can be read in the standard working hours window (customer window).
• Average Working Hours is the calculation resulting from starts and working hours.
• Starts per Day Optimum is the number of starts considered optimum.
• Starts per Day Worst is the number of starts considered
(worst case).
• Number of Alarms counts the alarms between two service intervals.
• Actual Bonus is calculated from number of starts and average working time. Can be positive
(bonus) or negative (penalty). This value influences the time remaining to the next maintenance.
Compressor 1 Settings
• Number of starts and working hours are individually counted since the last maintenance. Total
working hours can be read in the standard working hours window (customer window).
• Average Working Hours is the calculation resulting from starts and working hours.
• Starts per Day Optimum is the number of starts considered as optimum.
• Starts per Day Worst is the number of starts considered as
(worst case).
• Number of HP Alarms counts the high-pressure alarms between two service intervals.
• Number of LP Alarms counts the low-pressure alarms between two service intervals.
• Number of TH Alarms counts the thermal protection alarms between two service intervals.
• Actual Bonus is calculated from number of starts and average working time. Can be positive
(bonus) or negative (penalty). This value influences the time remaining to the next maintenance.
Figure 86 Service menus
Wellness basic settings screen - Page 1
S002 Maintenance Frequency Per Year
—Sets the number of expected maintenance visits in a
S003 Max Bonus
—Increases the time until the next maintenance cycle. A bonus should be assigned
when a service visit finds that all components are working optimally.
S004 Max Penalty
—Decreases the time until the next maintenance cycle. A penalty should be used
when a service visit finds excessive wear on components.
S005 Last Maintenance
—Set during a service call. It also shows other service personnel the date of
the last visit.
S006 Service Engineer
—Provides a label for the service representative to list either the company
name or representative’s name.
S007 Confirm PM
—Confirms that the service representative has completed the preventive
maintenance and sets the next maintenance date.
S008 Calculated Next Maintenance
—Provides a date to when the next expected maintenance
should take place based on the last confirmed preventive maintenance, component starts, run hours
and the penalty / bonus currently set in the Liebert iCOM control.