Parameter setting
Weather Station Suntracer KNX sl
• Version: 14.07.2016 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
When specifying the threshold value
by object
the minimum and maximum values
that can be set for twilight values and the increment for the change are also defined.
Outdoor temperature
Define which outdoor temperature value for frost alarm, heat protection and outdoor
temperature block are to be used. The device's own internal values or a value received
via a communication object can be used.
After 48 hours without any change in the value a defect is assumed and the frost alarm,
heat protection and outdoor temperature block are activated.
Heat protection
Define the outdoor temperature for the heat protection. The threshold value can be
specified directly by parameter or received as an object via the bus.
When specifying the threshold value
by object
the minimum and maximum values
that can be set for temperature and the increment for the change are also defined.
Frost alarm
This frost alarm is only used within the façade controller and is independent of the gen-
eral parameter
Frost alarm
Frost alarm
, Seite 91).
The frost alarm is active in cold outdoor temperatures in combination with precipita-
tion. The conditions can be specified directly by parameter or received as an object via
the bus.
Minimum variable value (in Lux) for twi-
1 ... 200; 2
Maximum variable value (in Lux) for twi-
1 ... 200; 100
Increment (in Lux)
1 ... 10; 2
Measured value from
Internal sensor • communication object
Preset threshold value for heat protection
Parameter • object
Activate heat protection, if outdoor temperature is exceeded.
Temperature (in 0.1°C)
(for definition via an object only valid until
first call)
100 ... 500; 350
Hysteresis (in 0.1°C)
10 ... 200; 50
Minimum temperature that can be set
(in 0.1 °C)
100 ... 500; 200
Maximum temperature that can be set
(in 0.1 °C)
100 ... 500; 380
Increment (in 0.1 °C)
1 ... 10; 5