Parameter setting
Weather Station Suntracer KNX sl
• Version: 14.07.2016 • Technical changes and errors excepted.
If necessary, activate the switching output block and set what a 1 or 0 at the block entry
means and what happens in the event of a block.
The behaviour of the switching output on release is dependent on the value of the pa-
rameter "Switching output sends" (see "Switching output")
6.10. Night
If necessary, activate the night recognition.
Set, in which cases delay times received are to be kept per object. The parameter is
only taken into consideration if the setting by object is activated further down. Please
note that the setting "After power restoration and programming" should not be used
for the initial start-up, as the factory settings are always used until the first call (setting
via objects is ignored).
Use switching output block
No • Yes
Analysis of the blocking object
• At value 1: block | At value 0: release
• At value 0: block | At value 1: release
Blocking object value before first call
0 • 1
Action when locking
• do not send message
• send 0
• send 1
Action upon release
(with 2 seconds release delay)
[Dependent on the "Switching output
sends" setting]
Switching output sends on change
do not send message •
status object/s send/s
Switching output sends on change to 1
do not send message •
if switching output = 1
send 1
Switching output sends on change to 0
do not send message •
if switching output = 0
send 0
Switching output sends on change and
send switching output status
Switching output sends on change to 1 and
if switching output = 1
send 1
Switching output sends on change to 0 and
if switching output = 0
send 0
Use night recognition
No •
Maintain the
delays received via communication objects
• never
• after power supply restoration
• after power supply restoration and