EPX400-A20CU – Manual
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EPX400-A20CU device is able to transmit data via LTE or UMTS network, via SMS
messages and via Ethernet.
Communication mode is configurable – see chapter 0. for more information. As a
result the communicator may be used only at the territory covered with mobile
phone operator network or with wired Ethernet network.
If status of inputs is the same as programmed one (NO/NC, EOL-NO/NC, DEOL-
NO/NC) the device stays at rest. Change of status on any input results in signal
transmitting of this event by the device.
In case of voice channel communication mode there is the possibility to choose 2
signalling formats: ContactID or SIA.
Each input (IN1 – IN9) may be individually defined as normally open (NO) or
normally closed (NC). It means that when input was defined as NO, input shorting
will be an active state, and when input was defined as NC, input opening will be an
active state. EOL and DEOL (parametrized and double parametrized) are options
where you use 1 or 2 resistors to distinguish alarm from sabotage.
To avoid an excessive cost of use related in particular to false alarms a device
possesses a programmable analysis of inputs.
All inputs respond only to states change which means that transmitting will follow
only if an active state is on input and maintains during programmed minimum time.
Maintenance of active state longer than a minimum time will result in single
indicating. Another input activation (another transmitting) is possible only after input
reached based state.
Number of messages sent in SMS mode is limited (limit includes also text massages
or answers to orders sent by user). This function provides for cost reduction by
limiting messages e.g. in case of damage of sensor connected to any input. After
passage of programmed time new messages will be sent but only in a number
determined by the user.
Text message on events sent to private phone numbers may be edited.
All programmable parameters are saved in memory and in case of voltage drop that
are not lost. Supply of power starts the communicator with saved settings.