Phone:(910) 392
Fax: (910) 392
416 Landmark Drive
Wilmington, NC 28412
The Mul ple Calibra on Screens op on allows you to run more than one product through
your meter without having to recalibrate each me the product is switched. This op on
allows you to store up to 8 product calibra ons at one me. To access the op on once it has
been purchased, press the MULTIPLE CAL
Bu on from the TOP.OPT page, accessed by
pressing the OPTIONS bu on from the TOP
Menu. You will now be at the screen shown
From this screen, you are able to di
eren ate
your di
erent products by assigning them
names and Dynamic Calibra ons that are
c to each product. You can also choose
the Calibra on you will be using from this
Please note that the
rst me the Mul ple Cal
ibra on Op on is selected, the screen to the
right may be displayed unless the op on was
ordered prior to shipment in which case the
op on would be unlocked at the factory. If you
have purchased the op on, you will receive a 7
digit password. Enter the password when
prompted to unlock the Mul ple Calibra on
Op on. If you have not purchased the op on
and would like too, or if you are having prob
lems unlocking the op on, please contact East
ern Instruments for assistance.
Setup of Mul ple Calibra on Screens (Op onal)