Phone:(910) 392
Fax: (910) 392
416 Landmark Drive
Wilmington, NC 28412
Step 1:
rst step is to enter names and
posi ons for each of your products.
To do so, press the NAME
Bu on. You should now see this
screen (Right). Select the product
you would like to name if none
have been previously selected,
select Product 1.
Selec ng the product above will
allow you to rename the selected
product. Although this step is not
necessary in order to con nue it will
help you di
eren ate your products
and their calibra on voltages in the
future. Once a product is selected,
you should see the screen (Right).
Step 2:
You can now assign the product
calibra on a name. O en, the
name of the product itself is used,
but any name can be used. Double
click the presently entered value for
Name and you will be prompted to
enter your product’s name. When
nished, press the ENTER Bu on
and then, press the OK Bu on in the Upper Right hand corner. Press the TO MCAL
Bu on to return to the Mul ple Calibra ons page.
Step 3:
Now you should be able to enter
calibra ons for each of the
products that you have assigned
with names. You should have been
returned to the OPT.MCAL Menu. If
not return there now and press the
Bu on. You should now see
this screen (Right).
nued on next page