Copyright 2022Baker Hughes Company.
English–DPI610E Instruction Manual | 217
HART Dashboard
12.3.3 Measure Variables
Figure 12-3: Measure Variables screen
This screen shows the following variables:
HART PV (Primary variable)
Loop Current (Measured by HART device)
% Range (Percentage - the current PV reading of the PV range)
CH1 Primary (Primary reading on CH1)
CH2 MA (Loop current measured by the DPI 610E).
12.3.4 Signal Condition
Figure 12-4: Signal Condition screen
This screen shows the following variables (variables with a pen
icon can be edited):
PV Units (Measurement units the primary variable is displayed)
PV LRV (Primary variable Lower Range Value)
PV URV (Primary variable Upper Range Value)
PV Damping (Primary variable damping value in seconds)
PV Transfer Function (Primary function transfer function selection code)
Write Protect (Write protect code).