User Manual UX11 Alarms
Generally, an alarm is triggered when a status or measurement indicator remains lit for a certain length
of time.
Alarms are classified into 4 levels, depending on how critical the situation is.
These alarm levels determine how the on-board system failures are managed.
Depending on the level of alarm, the system will automatically adopt an appropriate behavior and
trajectory to respond to the situation.
This alarm is mainly triggered by:
A minor anomaly
measurement error)
or altitude correction
has been detected.
The mission is not
interrupted. The
aircraft remains on its
flight plan trajectory.
• Short GNSS loss.
• Short accelerometer, gyrometer or magnetometer loss.
• Short communication loss.
• Geofence boundary too close.
• Low aircraft battery level.
The mission is
aborted. The aircraft
switches to the
• Long accelerometer, gyrometer or magnetometer loss.
• Long communication loss.
• Long Pitot sensor loss.
• Longer GNSS loss.
• Very low aircraft battery level.
The mission is
aborted. The aircraft
cannot go back to its
landing location but
it can still navigate.
The motor is shut
down and the aircraft
• Motor loss.
• Critical aircraft battery level.
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