DataKinetics DSC110 / DSC210 User Manual Issue 12
Page 14
1.2.8 Remote Data Centres
The converter can optionally be equipped to support the transfer of billing records,
call failure records, alarm reports and periodic measurements over Ethernet to a
remote location – The Remote Data Centre (RDC).
Multiple RDC’s can be configured by specifying an IP address and a user name
and password for the converter to use to ‘logon’ to the RDC.
Data transfer to the RDC uses the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Billing records, call failure records and alarm reports are transferred to the RDC in
near real time with the provision to back up the billing records to hard disk in the
event of Ethernet failure. Measurement reports are made on a configurable
periodic basis.
1.2.9 Announcements
The converter can optionally play pre-recorded WAV format sound files without
the need for additional equipment. These announcements (ANNC) are loaded
onto the converter from a Remote Data Centre.
In order to play announcements the converter requires Voice Resources (VRS).
Voice resources can be configured on any signalling cards not used to process
signalling. Announcements can then be routed to and played on a per Outgoing
Route basis.