DataKinetics DSC110 / DSC210 User Manual Issue 12
Page 10
1.1 General Description
The DSC110 and DSC210 Advanced Signalling Converters provide conversion
between network signalling protocols and access signalling protocols. On the
network side they support various Signalling System Number 7 (SS7) protocols
whilst on the access side they support various DSS1 and DPNSS protocols.
The converter is available in two chassis types, the DSC110 and DSC210. The
DSC110 supports up to 2 signalling cards and the DSC210 up to 16, providing a
migration path to larger scale systems. The operation and application interface for
both units is identical. The term DSC210 is used in the general sense to describe
both units.
1.1.1 Signalling Modes
The converter has two basic modes of operation: Signalling Only mode and Voice
and Signalling mode.
In Signalling Only mode the converter processes only the signalling channels. The
voice channels do not pass through the converter. This mode allows for the
maximum density in a single chassis by supporting (in the case of SS7 to ISDN
conversion) up to 30 access side signalling links, each channel mapping to a
corresponding channel on the SS7 side. In signalling only mode the converter
does not perform any circuit selection but instead maps access side circuits to
SS7 circuits in a fixed one to one mapping.
In Voice and Signalling mode the voice circuits also pass through the converter.
Whilst this mode does not allow for such a high density of signalling links, it does
allow the converter full control of the voice circuits. This means that the converter
can be used to select an outgoing circuit on a call by call basis. One application of
this functionality is to provide a concentration function where many access side
circuits are served on a demand basis by fewer SS7 side circuits. The converter
supports dynamic routing based on digit analysis of the called party number it also
supports retry.
It is possible to mix Signalling Only and Voice and Signalling modes at the same
time on the converter.
1.1.2 Connectivity
Signalling (and voice where applicable) can be connected to the converter using
balanced or unbalanced 2048kbit/sec (E1) connections in accordance with G.703
or 1544kbit/sec (T1) balanced connections in accordance with G.733. A fully
populated converter contains 16 signalling cards each with two E1/T1 ports giving
a total of 32 ports.
Each channel on any port can be physically connected within the converter in a
non-blocking manner to any channel on any of the 32 ports or any of the internal
signalling processors.