AO1 / AO2 / AO
36” min
Support panel
Support panel
Panel Connector Joint
Load-bearing side of panel
Installation Sequence
Compatico recommends the following sequence to assemble AO
PolyPanel product:
1. Install Panels and Connectors (with Wire Management/Power kits—AO1 only); install
Panel End Trim at ends of panel runs.
2. Install Power Distribution and In-feeds (not wired to power supply).
3. Install Overhead Storage and Task Lights.
4. Install Work Surfaces and Floor-supported/hanging Pedestals and/or File Centers.
5. Install Tack Boards & Marker Boards.
Install Accessories.
Wipe down furniture.
Panel Support
These panel installation instructions are written for user safety. Please follow them at time of
planning and specification, initial installation and any addition or reconfiguration.
Definition and Application:
1. Panel runs are any two or more panels connected in a straight line.
2. Panels mounted at right angles to panel runs are called support panels. Height of
support panels must be equal to the height of the panels in a run or
62”/67”h for 80”/85”h panels
48”/53”h for 62”/67”h panels
42”/47”h for 48”/53”h panels
3. All support panels must be at right angles to run panels and on one or both sides of run
panels, depending on the panel loading, and spaced no more than ten feet apart.
Panel runs loaded on one side with
overhead storage and/or work surfaces
must have support panels on the loaded
side with 36” minimum width at the
beginning and ending panels and at
intervals not to exceed ten feet; for
Acoustical, Glazed and Open-Frame
panels, must not exceed eight feet.