If you do not want to install the upper ratchets, the straps
at the top of the cover can be
laced around the crown
(as shown below) and tied to secure the cover.
Straps must remain loose to allow cover adjustment.
3. Repeat the step to attach additional ratchets to the
remaining rafters for the remaining upper straps.
4. After installing the upper ratchets (if these are used),
move down each rafter and locate the strap used to
secure the middle portion of the main cover.
5. Using the straps as guides, attach one ratchet to the
underside or side of the rafter.
Verify that the ratchet
does not
touch the cover
and that the cable does not hamper its operation.
6. Insert the upper straps into the top ratchets to hold
the cover in place if these ratchets were installed.
Do not tighten at this time.
7. Move down the rafters to the mid ratchets and insert
the corresponding strap into the ratchets to
temporarily secure the cover.
8. Insert the lower straps into the ratchets on the
sidewall posts and tighten slightly to keep the cover
in place.
tighten the straps too much. The
final stretching of the cover occurs
all straps are
inserted into to the ratchets and the cover is properly
9. Begin at the top of the arena and tighten the upper
ratchets to pull the cover into position, or lash the
cover to the crown if ratchets were not used.
Use the hole in the cover and align it with the
crown of the frame.
10. Verify that the cover is aligned with the rafters as
you begin to stretch it over the frame.
11. Move down to the middle set of ratchets and tighten
these to stretch the cover from the top to the middle.
12. Finally, move to the lower set of ratchets and tighten
these to pull the cover from the middle to the
13. Return to all ratchets and repeat the previous steps
to stretch the cover.
It is best to stretch the cover in small adjustments
of the ratchets. This allows for an even stretch. It may be
necessary to loosen and retighten some ratchets to keep
the cover centered and in the desired position.
14. Once the straps are tight and the cover is stretched,
assemble and insert the conduit as described below.
To the top of
the frame
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