When ONS 15454 M6 is pre-provisioned, or plugged in without the ECU-S unit, by default, CTC uses the
ECU module with the 12 USB 2.0 ports.
The fiber shuffle unit, which can be used to interface 14 single slot passive optical modules can be connected
to the ONS 15454 M6 ECU-S using the USB 3.0 port.
The MPO-fan-out unit, which can be used to interface 10 double slot passive optical modules can be connected
to the ONS 15454 M6 ECU-S using the USB 3.0 port.
The external connections present on the ONS 15454 M6 ECU-S are:
• 2 USB 3.0 connections
• The USB 3.0 port on the left of the faceplate is detected as A5.
• The USB 3.0 port on the left of the faceplate is detected as B5.
• 8 USB 2.0 connections
• 4 USB 2.0 on the left of the faceplate are detected as A1, A2, A3, A4.
• 4 USB 2.0 ports on the right of the faceplate are detected as B1, B2, B3, B4. In Release 10.1, 10.3,
and 10.5, these ports are detected as A5, A6, B1, B2 respectively.
• 2 BITS-OUT connections (2 subminiature version B [SMB] connectors for ETSI and 4 wire-wrap pins
for ANSI)
• 10 MHz IN and OUT and PPS IN and OUT (hardware-ready)
• 2 BITS-IN connections (2 SMB connectors for ETSI and 4 wire-wrap pins for ANSI)
• 6 multishelf connections
• 1 element management system (EMS) connection
• 1 craft terminal connection
• 1 time-of-day (ToD) connection (hardware-ready)
• 2 VoIP or 2 user data channel (UDC) connections, or one each of VoIP and UDC connections
• 1 SCSI with 26 poles for TNC relay contact, including alarm cut-off (ACO) signal and digital I/O (D-I/O)
signals (on the left-side connector)
• 1 SCSI with 26 poles for digital I/O signals (on the right-side connector)
ECU60-S is a new type of ECU-S introduced for the ONS 15454 M6 when the shelf is powered at –60 VDC
nominal input voltage. The ECU60-S module available for the ONS 15454 M6 shelf is 15454 M6-ECU60-S=.
The following figure shows the ONS 15454 M6 ECU60-S connectors.
Figure 71: Connectors on the ONS 15454 M6 ECU60-S Faceplate
USB 2.0 ports (Ports 1 through 4 and ports 7 through 10)
Installing the ONS 15454 M6 Shelf
Installing the ONS 15454 M6 Shelf