Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 3 Provisioning PXM1E Communication Links
General PXM1E Configuration Procedures
addcon, cnfcon
Remote minimum cell rate.
OC3: 50 – 353207 cps
T3: 50 – 96000 (PLCP) cps or 104268 (ADM) cps
E3: 50 – 80000 cps
T1: 50-3622 cps
E1: 50-4528 cps
addcon, cnfcon
Local cell delay variation tolerance (CDVT). Specifies the
CDVT from a local endpoint to a remote endpoint
(1-5000000 microseconds). Cell Delay Variation Tolerance
controls the time scale over which the PCR is policed.
No remote CDVT is necessary.
addcon, cnfcon
This option enables or disables the flow of Operation,
Administration, and Maintenance Continuity Check
(OAMCC) traffic on the connection. Enter 1 to enable OAM
traffic flow, or enter 0 to disable traffic flow.
Note that when this option is enabled on only one side of a
connection, a transient alarm is reported until this option is
set to the same value at both ends.
Default: 0, disabled.
addcon, cnfcon
This option enables or disables statistics collection for the
SPVC. Enter 1 to enable OAM statistics collection, or enter
0 to disable it.
Default: 0, disabled.
addcon, cnfcon
This option enables or disables frame discard. Enter 1 to
enable frame discard, or enter 0 to disable it.
Default: 0, disabled.
addcon, cnfcon
The maximum cost parameter defines a maximum
acceptable cost value to the connection. When a maximum
cost is specified, the cumulative AW for a connection must
be less than the maximum cost.
Range: 0 to 4294967295
Default: -1, no maximum cost specified for the route.
OAM segment endpoint. This option enables (1) or disables
(0) operation of the connection endpoint as an OAM
segment endpoint.
Table 3-17
Parameters for the addcon and cnfcon Commands (continued)