Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 8 Managing PNNI Nodes and PNNI Routing
Managing PNNI Routes
Step 5
Enter the dspcon <portid> <vpi> <vci> command to ensure that the SPVC/SPVP has been configured
properly and is associated with the preferred route you set up in Step 1. Replace <portid> with the port
identifier in the format slot:bay.line:ifnum. Replace <vpi> with the virtual path identifier for the
connection. Replace <vpi> with the virtual circuit identifier for the connection.
Modifying a Preferred Route
Use the cnfpref command to modify a preferred route. The cnfpref command lets you re-specify
existing NEs in a route, or add one or more NEs to an existing route. You can also change an NE to
indicate that it is the destination node. A new destination node must have the highest NE number in the
route. (See the detailed usage guidelines for the addpref command for details.)
Enter the cnfpref command as follows:
8850_LA.7.PXM.a >
> [-dstNePos <
>] [-ne1 {<
>/<port>}] [-ne2
>}] ... [-ne20 {<
describes the cnfpref command parameters.
Associates a preferred route (preferredRouteId) to the connection. Use this
optional parameter at the master endpoint only.
Range: 0-65535
Default: 0
Specifies that the connection can take only the preferred route associated
through the -prefrte parameter.
Use this optional parameter at the master endpoint only. To remove this
requirement from the connection, use the cnfcon command and specify a 0 for
the parameter. The possible values are as follows:
1: yes (make the preferred route required)
0: no (do not require the connection to take the preferred route)
Default: no (0)
Table 8-7
addcon and cnfcon Preferred Route Command Parameters (continued)