Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 8 Managing PNNI Nodes and PNNI Routing
Managing Connection Grooming
The trunk utilization limit applies only to connections being groomed. It does not apply to connections
that are rerouted due to failures.
The default trunk utilization limit is 100 percent, and this imposes no restriction on grooming.
To change the trunk utilization limit, enter the cnfndrteopt command as follows:
M8850_LA.7.PXM.a >
The trunk utilization value range is 5 to 100 percent.
describes the cnfndrteopt command
The cnfndrteopt command configures other features that are described elsewhere in this chapter.
The following example changes the trunk utilization limit to 85 percent and displays the change with the
dspndrteopt command.
PXM1E_SJ.7.PXM.a >
-trkutil 85
PXM1E_SJ.7.PXM.a >
Nodal Route Optimization Parameters:
Orderly Grooming Feature: Enabled
Orderly Grooming Batch Size: 20
Orderly Grooming Timeout: 300
Trunk Util Threshold Percent: 85
Soft Reroute: Disabled
Displaying Grooming Configuration Parameters
Two different commands display grooming configuration parameters. These commands are described in
the following sections.
Displaying Threshold and Schedule Configuration Parameters
To display threshold and schedule configuration parameters, enter the dsprteoptcnf command as
PXM1E_SJ.7.PXM.a >
If you enter the command without any parameters, the switch displays the threshold settings and the
configuration data for all ports. To display the configuration data for a single port, include the portid in
the format: [shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport]. To display the port numbers, enter the dsprteoptcnf
command without any parameters, or enter the dsppnports command.