Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45), Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MGX 8830, and Cisco MGX 8880 Configuration Guide
Release 5.0.10, OL-3845-01 Rev. B0, August 16, 2004
Chapter 8 Managing PNNI Nodes and PNNI Routing
Managing PNNI Routes
Configuring the Administrative Weight
The link administrative weight (AW) is used to calculate the total cost of a route and can be used by the
PNNI controller when it has to choose between multiple parallel links. You can assign different AW
values for each ATM class of service.
The role of AW in route and link selection is described in more detail in the Cisco PNNI Network
Planning Guide for MGX and SES Products.
To configure the AW for a link, enter the cnfpnni-intf command as follows:
mgx8830a.1.PXM.a >
> [-awcbr] [-awrtvbr] [-awnrtvbr] [-awabr]
[-awubr] [-awal]
Replace pnportid with the port ID in the format slot[:subslot].port[:subport]. (This is the same format
that appears when you display ports with the dsppnport command.) For each class of service for which
you want to change the AW value, enter the appropriate option followed by the new value. For example,
the following command sets the AW for CBR calls over the link:
mgx8830a.1.PXM.a >
1:2.1:1 -awcbr 2000
To display the AWs assigned to a PNNI port, enter the dsppnni-intf command as follows:
mgx8830a.1.PXM.a >
Physical port id: 1:2.1:1 Logical port id: 16848897
Aggr token.......... 0 AW-NRTVBR........... 5040
AW-CBR.............. 2000 AW-ABR.............. 5040
AW-RTVBR............ 5040 AW-UBR.............. 5040
Configuring the Aggregation Token
The link aggregation token is used when multiple links connect two nodes. An aggregation token serves
as a label that determines if two or more links should be advertised as separate links or as one. For
example, if two links connect two nodes and the aggregation node on each link is set to 5, only one link
is advertised. The numeric value of the token has no significance. What is important is whether links
have the same token value as other links.
If there were two nodes with three OC-3 links and two T3 links between them, you could aggregate the
three OC-3 links into one group with a token of 33 and the two T3 links into another group with a token
of 3. This approach would result in two link advertisements: one for a single OC-3 link and one for a
single T3 link.
For more information on the aggregation token, refer to the Cisco PNNI Network Planning Guide for
MGX and SES Products.
To configure the aggregation token for a link, enter the cnfpnni-intf command as follows:
mgx8830a.1.PXM.a >
> [-aggregationToken