/I_Limit-: Maximum current limit value for battery discharge or
charge. To be set based on DUT specifications.
4. After editing, press
to exit the menu. The instrument returns to the set-
ting interface of battery emulation function.
Recall battery emulation file
1. In the setting interface of battery emulation function, select
, and enter
the recall battery emulation file menu.
2. At first, select the number of file to be recalled. A maximum of 10 battery em-
ulation files can be existed in this instrument.
Recall Emul = 1/10
When the selected number is empty, the interface would prompt that the re-
called battery emulation file is empty. The user needs to select the file again
or return and enter the Edit menu for editing.
3. After successful recall of battery emulation file, the user can view the setting
information of the existing battery emulation file. The following parameters
can only be viewed, and cannot be edited. To modify them, please return
and enter the Edit menu to select the corresponding file number for editing.
1:Cell Properties
2:Parallel =1
3:Series =1
4:I = 2.00A
5:I_Limit – = –2.00A
6:- -EXIT- -
4. After successful recall, press
to exit the menu. The instrument returns
to the setting interface of battery emulation function.
Run battery emulation file
1. In the setting interface of battery emulation function, select
to start run-
ning battery emulation function.
2. During running of battery emulation file, the user needs to set the state of
charge of existing battery.
Initial SOC = 0.00%
3. Press
key. After confirmation, the instrument returns to the main in-
terface, as shown below:
First line: Voltage and current value of existing circuit.
Second line: Capacity and state of charge of existing battery.
Copyright © Itech Electronic Co., Ltd.