6: Delete All= 1/1
7: Copy File 1 To 1
4. Select
“List Setup”
, and press
key for confirmation. Set the attribute
parameters of the List file in successive.
The setting method for each item is the same. Select one item, and press
key for confirmation. When the item is under Edit state, rotate the
knob to select the configuration value or set the value. Taking the CV mode
as an example, the interface display is as follows. The displayed voltage and
current are different under different modes.
1: Mode= CV
2: I_Lim+= 2.00A
3: I_Lim-= -2.00A
4: End State= Last
5: Repeat= 01
5. Select “Edit Step= x/y”, and press
key for confirmation. Select the
number x of List step to be edited, press
key, and enter the Step pa-
rameter editing page.
“x” means the number of step to be edited, and “y” means the total number
of steps of the List. The total number of steps will be updated automatically
according to the step number increase or decrease.
If the existing List file is a new and empty file, display Edit Step= 1/1. The
user cannot select the number of step to be edited, and can only start ed-
iting from step 1.
If the existing List file is an existed file, display Edit Step= 1/6. The user
can select the number of any step for editing and modification. In this ex-
ample, the number “6” is only taken as an example.
6. Rotate the knob to set the parameters of Step 1 for this List file in
Edit Step= 1/1
Voltage= 0.000V
Slope= 0.0S
Time= 0.0S
Edit Next=No/Yes
When “Edit Next” is set to “Yes”, skip to the editing interface of next step. Re-
peat Step 6 to continue editing the parameter values of Step 2 of the List file;
when “Edit Next” is set to “No”, finish the parameter editing of List steps.
7. If need to adjust the existing List file, select the setting item below for insert-
ing, adding and deleting steps.
“Insert Step= 2/6”: Insert one step before the selected Step 2 to add 1
step in Step 6;
“Add Step= 2/6”: Add one after the selected Step 2 to add 1 step in Step
“Delete Step= 2/6”: Delete the selected Step 2;
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