LAN Status Indicator
The lower icon notes the two status LEDs located at the bottom of the LAN port.
If neither of the LEDs is lit, the network is not connected.
position 1: when lit, it indicates that the LAN port is connected.
Position 2: When flashing, it indicates that the LAN port is receiving or
sending a message.
Configure LAN Interface Information
By default, DHCP is on, which may enable communication over LAN. The
letters DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for
assigning dynamic IP addresses to devices on a network. With dynamic
addressing, a device can have a different IP address every time it connects to
the network. The user can view the related information of LAN interface or
configure the communication parameters in system menu.
Automatically configure the address of the instrument.(Auto)
When selected, the instrument will first try to obtain an IP address from a
DHCP server. If a DHCP server is found, the DHCP server will assign an IP
address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway to the instrument. If a DHCP
server is unavailable, the instrument will try to obtain an IP address using
AutoIP. AutoIP automatically assigns an IP address, Subnet Mask, and
Default Gateway addresses on networks that do not have a DHCP server.
Manually configure the address of the instrument.(Manual)
Set the following parameter. The following information only appear when
Manual is selected.
IP Addr: This value is the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the
instrument. An IP address is required for all IP and TCP/IP
communications with the instrument. An IP Address consists of 4
decimal numbers separated by periods. Each decimal number ranges
from 0 through 255 with no leading zeros (for example,
If neither of the LEDs is lit, the network is not connected.
position 1: when lit, it indicates that the LAN port is connected.
Position 2: When flashing, it indicates that the LAN port is
receiving or sending a message.
Sub Net: This value is used to enable the instrument to determine if a
client IP address is on the same local subnet. The same numbering
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