C-COM Satellite Systems Inc.
iNetVu™ 7710 Controller User Manual
4 - Elevation Offset
The number of degrees at which the iNetVu
Mobile Software will offset the reading from the
Inclinometer to produce an accurate (+/- 2°) Elevation Angle (e.g. O: 31 implies elevation offset of
31). These initial default values are set after target calibration is performed.
– Elevation of Compass Reading Status
Number of degrees that the Antenna Feedboom must be elevated to ensure that the compass is
levelled in order to acquire an accurate compass reading (see appendix for default values).
Displays real-time current drawn and speed settings for the azimuth motor, as well as real-time
azimuth angle and limits, search window size, and AZ zero.
Fig. 19:
“EL” (Elevation) Display
– Real-Time Azimuth Angle
Real time Azimuth angle reading, down to the tenth of a decimal.
The letter
“S” will appear to indicate stow Limit has been reached on the azimuth axis.
– Current and Speed Settings
Real-Time current of the azimuth motor is to the left of the dash, and speed constant of
the azimuth movement is to the right of the dash (i.e. 0-6 represents current of 0 at a set
speed of 6).
The letter “L” will appear if there is a ‘left’ movement on the azimuth axis.
The letter “R” will appear if there is a ‘right’ movement on the azimuth axis
(See appendix for detail on default speed and current settings).
3 - Search Window Azimuth Limit
This value represents the amount of degrees the antenna will search for satellite along the
azimuth axis to the left and right of the calculated target antenna azimuth coordinate when
searching for satellite. (I.e. W: 60 implies 60º search to the left and right of the target antenna
azimuth angle, total range for this example would be 120º).
– Compass Offset
This value represents the compass offset value that was added to compensate for inaccuracy of
the compass reading.
A0.0 S I/S:0-6 L R
W: 60 CP_O: 35