Figure 49. Motion Menu when Motion is set to Edge
Figure 50. Motion Menu when Motion is set to Match
9.2.1 Number of Edges
Main Menu > Inspection > Motion > Number of Edges
Number of Edges is available when Motion is set to Edge.
On the Number of Edges screen, use the option buttons to select One Edge or Two Edges. If One Edge is selected, motion
is tracked in one direction (by default, horizontally). If Two Edges is selected, motion can be tracked horizontally and
9.2.2 Sensitivity
Main Menu > Inspection > Motion > Sensitivity
Sensitivity is available when Motion is set to Edge.
Use Sensitivity to fine-tune how sensitive the sensor is to finding a reference edge.
The sensitivity value helps account for light variations that might affect how well the sensor detects edges on inspected
parts. The sensitivity scale is from 0 to 100, where 0 means least sensitive and 100 means most sensitive. If set near 0, the
sensor only finds very sharp edges with strong contrast. If set near 100, the sensor finds very dim or blurry edges, and may
be unstable due to noise within the image.
9.2.3 Rotation
Main Menu > Inspection > Motion > Rotation
Rotation is available when Motion is set to Edge.
Rotation can be enabled or disabled. Select Enabled if the part can be expected to rotate during the inspection.
9.2.4 Teach ROI Type
Set the shape of the ROI used to teach the reference pattern during setup.
Main Menu > Inspection > Motion > Teach ROI Type
Teach ROI Type is available when Motion is set to Match.
The Region of Interest (ROI) is the user-defined area on the screen that the sensor analyzes. The ROI type can be
rectangular, elliptical, or circular. From the drop-down list, select the ROI type to use for the inspection. Adjust the ROI as
appropriate for the inspection. An ROI can be as large as the entire Field of View (FOV).
9.2.5 Percent Match
Main Menu > Inspection > Motion > Percent Match
Percent Match is available when Motion is set to Match.
Percent Match adjusts how closely the inspected part or label must match the reference part or label. The Percent Match
scale is from 0 to 100, where 0 is the most tolerant and 100 is the least tolerant. Move the slider to adjust the tolerance.
iVu Plus TG and Color Gen2 Image Sensors - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767