Name of the device as an ASCII string. This field is filled in
only if the device is configured for English. For all other
languages, this field is omitted.
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx – Each 'x' is a
hexadecimal character.
Ethernet MAC address of this device
String in decimal dot notation
IP address of the device
String in decimal dot notation
Network mask of the device
String in decimal dot notation
IP address of the device's default gateway
A controlling PC sends the packet with DISCOVER message to find which devices are present on its network. The
DISCOVER message should broadcast on all Ethernet interfaces of the controlling PC. After sending the DISCOVER
message packet, the PC should wait to receive DISCOVER_REPLY packets from the devices.
The controlling PC does not know how many devices are connected. Therefore, it should wait up to 5 seconds for any reply
packets to allow for any variation in time needed for the devices to reply.
Sending more than one DISCOVER packet is recommended because a single UDP packet may be lost by network switches
or the iVu. The probability of multiple packets being lost is much smaller. Separate the packets in time by 100 milliseconds
or more.
This and the following packet capture examples were created using a free network tracing and troubleshooting software
called Wireshark. Banner Engineering Corporation does not provide support for this product nor endorses it.
Figure 174. Wireshark DISCOVER Packet
Note: In some situations, it is possible for a PC to receive a copy of the packet it sent. This condition is
subject to the operating system and/or network configuration. If received, such a received packet should
be detected (by checking the message type) and discarded.
In this example for the DISCOVER packets, empty sections for Name, MAC, IP, NetMask and Gateway are shown. These
empty fields in the DISCOVER packet are not necessary and are an artifact of the application used to test the iVu Discovery
The device sends a DISCOVER_REPLY packet in reply to a DISCOVER message. The body portion of the message
contains all of the parameters detailed in
iVu Plus TG and Color Gen2 Image Sensors
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