Figure 221. Map Screen—Custom Map Selected
2. Click the yellow arrow to access the Custom IE Map screen.
3. On the Custom IE Map screen, choose the sensor result data that will appear on the customizable space.
Figure 222. Custom IE Map Summary Screen
The bottom of the screen shows the word use on the customizable space. In the image above, seven words have
been used for one Area sensor "Area (1)".
4. Click the yellow arrow next to the Area sensor row to go to the Area Sensor Data.
Figure 223. Custom IE Map Screen—Area Sensor Data
On the Area Sensor Data screen shown above, Area Count, Area Range Min and Area Range Max are available to
add to the customizable space. The number to the right of each item shows how many words are required to display
the data. The bottom reservation count shows the number of Area sensors that have space reserved for them on the
customizable map.
Because only one Area sensor's worth of data is reserved on the image above, the selected data will be collected
from the first Area sensor in the current inspection. When multiple Area sensors have been reserved, the data will be
arranged in the sequential manner of the sensor type in the current inspection.
5. Click the green arrow (Back) to return to the Custom IE Map summary.
6. Continue to add more data from any sensor type as required or reserve more sensors into the customizable space.
Sensor Name and Sensor Type ID are global settings that are part of any individual sensor reservation. When they are
checked, they are inserted into each sensor reservation.
The following is an example of a multiple sensors inspection and its output location on the customizable space.
iVu Plus TG and Color Gen2 Image Sensors
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