Locating a Work Order
To locate a specific work order, you may search by user, work order ID, hose ID, fluid type and date range.
The user, work ID, hose ID, fluid type and date range search options are drop down menu boxes that list unique values in the database. The work order
ID box also allows you to type in an ID. If you are using the date range in your search, you must enable the start date, the end date, or both by clicking
Enable. The default date range is today’s date. To change the date, click the appropriate date in the drop down menu. Neither date may be in the future,
and if you are using both date options, the start date must be before the end date. After choosing your search criteria from the drop down menus, click
New Search� The screen will display all results that match your search criteria�
If no records are found that match your criteria, a no records found message displays
To clear the search criteria, click Reset. Clicking Reset only clears the search criteria, it does not clear the report.
Reviewing a Work Order
To mark a work order as reviewed, check the box below Reviewed and press Enter.
Changing the Unit of Measure
At the bottom of the screen, there are total fluid numbers and records counts. This will sum the total volume of fluid that has been dispensed for the
records currently appearing on the search in the units specified. You may change the unit that the fluid is summed in by selecting the drop-down menu
next to Unit and choosing from Liters, Gallons, Pints and Quarts. The total that is displayed will change to match the unit measurement. Each additional
work order will be added to the total, and the volume will be converted to the specified unit measurement.
Deleting Old Work Orders
To delete old work orders:
1� Select work orders to delete�
2� Click
3. On the pop-up screen, click OK to confirm.
1� Click
Clear By Date
2. On the pop-up screen, select either the date you would like to keep work
orders from (everything on and after February 23rd, 2015) or the number of
days (everything from 3 days ago and after) and click
3. When asked to confirm the deletion, click
� A Request Completed screen
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