6.6 Promotions and discounts
XM and XT Operator Instructions
Promotions and discounts
6.6.1 Cross-promos
PLU records can be configured to allow the scale to display cross-
promotional information. This can be text information, pictures or flash
6.6.2 Price promos
This type of promotion applies to weighed and non-weighed products.
Second and third prices for the product can be applied automatically
when either a certain weight or number of items of a product is sold.
6.6.3 Weight/item free promos
A pre-programmed weight of the product is included free of charge
when the total weight of the product is above a pre-programmed
A pre-programmed number of items is included free of charge, when
the total number of items is above a pre-programmed number of items.
6.6.4 Discount promos
This type of promotion applies to weighed and non-weighed products
and allows a discount value to be automatically applied to the
transaction value when a certain weight or number of items are sold.
6.6.5 Discounting prices
You can discount a PLU with a pre-programmed fixed discount or with
a variable discount.
Fixed and variable discounts may be a percentage of the transaction
total or a value.
Variable discount
A variable discount is one that does not have a pre-programmed value.
The operator enters the discount value or percentage.
Fixed discount
The value or percentage is pre-programmed.
Security levels may be assigned to discounts. If you do not have an
adequate security level assigned, the list of authorised operators will be