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1 - Outer door seal
❑ Removing
– Bend the seal length‐
wise and then pull it off
little by little
❑ Installation
– Clean the adhesive sur‐
face, if necessary, re‐
move any remaining ad‐
hesive with adhesive
strip remover -VAS
6349- .
– The outer door seal
must make contact with
-arrow- the door cover in
the upper B-pillar area.
– Remove the protective
film from the under side
of the door to the B-pil‐
– Press on the outer door
seal beginning from the
lower B-pillar on the un‐
der side of the door and
working forward and up‐
– Remove the protective
film in stages upwardly and press on the outer door seal.
Do not stretch or crush
the seal when installing it.
The seal will come off
wherever it is stretched
or crushed along the bot‐
tom or on the B-pillar.
– Only press the outer door seal onto the outer door seal end with a roller -3356- , refer to
Do not close the door for
at least 2 hours to pre‐
vent loosening or moving
the door outer seal. The
vehicle must be at room
2 - Window shaft strip
❑ Press the window shaft strip tab -arrows- completely into the door cover on the upper B-pillar.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Body Exterior - Edition 11.2010
2. Removal and Installation