DSP Components
© 2017, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
Max Gain: Determine the maximum of automatic gain.
Limit the max. gain to keep a natural audio sound.
Attack Time: Adjust the fade-in time to reach the target level.
If the attack time is too short, the audio peak will be heard when the speaker begins to talk.
Release Time: Adjust the fade-out time of the signal when AGC is no longer working. This value is
ignored if the “Release button” is off.
If the release time is too short, the audio slack will be heard between the speaker's words.
Sampling Time: Set the average time needed by measuring the input level.
If the sampling time is too long, it will make the AGC too insensitive on the short peaks.
Level: Display the level of gain that AGC increases/decreases the input signal.
If users want to automatically adjust the gain of a
type of vocal microphone, set the element
settings as the picture on the right.
1. First, set the input sensitivity to -40dB on
[Input A] component for standard dynamic
2. Second, set the elements on AGC control
window as below,
Threshold: Set at -25dB. The level is
adjusted only when the input signal is
above -25dB.
Target level: Set the final target level at -
Maximum gain: Set at 10dB.
Release time: Set at 800(ms).
Attack time: Set at 50(ms).
AVG time: Set at 200(ms).
3. You can see on the vu-meter when the
speaker talks at -18.3 dBu, the final level is
around -10.5 dBu.
4. You can see on the vu-meter when the
speaker talks at 8 dBu, the final level is around
-10.6 dBu.
5. And this will benefit for both the presenter
and audience with more comfortable audio
sound in a large room.