Copyright Asyril S.A.
UR program examples
Version: A2
UR program examples
The installation of the URCap includes some UR program examples involving the use of the
different nodes provided by the URCap.
Examples’ description
The URCap includes 3 examples, executing a flexible pick and place process, involving:
a vision system dedicated to detect the parts lying on the Asycube surface;
a hopper providing the parts on the Asycube surface;
an Asycube, assisting the vision system to acquire a good picture using its backlight,
triggering the hopper and moving the parts on its surface if no parts have been
detected by the vision system, to ease the next picking attempt.
example implements the process
without any feedback from the vision system, the Asycube surface being flat.
implements the process without any feedback from the vision system, the Asycube surface
being structured, so that the parts fit perfectly on it when moved.
example implements the process
driven by the different information extracted from the picture acquired by the vision system,
the Asycube surface being flat.
These examples share a common program structure:
The robot moves out of the camera field of view.
The position
must be set by the user.
Figure 6-1
– UR program: the robot moves out of the camera field of view
The vision system acquires a picture of the Asycube surface with the different parts
lying on it. This process involves the use of the Asycube backlight. The backlight is
switched on before acquiring the picture of the surface, and switched off afterwards.
The user is responsible for adding the different commands to acquire the picture
through the vision system.