Copyright Asyril S.A.
Standard use of the Asycube Control URCap
Version: A2
When a unit is physically connected, the related unit is preselected by the
dropdown and
the user cannot select a new unit through it. Once the Asycube is disconnected, the
previously connected unit is kept in memory and preselected by the
On the other way, if a unit has been selected through the
dropdown and that a physical
connection is created with another kind of unit, the unit of the physically connected unit is
automatically selected and the dropdown selection is updated.
3.3. Warnings and alarms
The warnings and alarms are retrieved by the URCap from the connected Asycube platform.
Once a warning or an alarm is retrieved, it is reinitialized.
Warnings and alarms are retrieved each time the main menu of the URCap (in the
tab) is displayed. Each warning or each alarm generates automatically a popup describing its
nature. If only one warning or one alarm is retrieved, the textual information related to this
warning or alarm is as well displayed, at the bottom of the interface, at the level of the
button. If several warnings or alarms are generated, each warning or each alarm is
described by its hexadecimal code.
Figure 3-16
– Retrieval of warnings and alarms