Sterilization System Routine Maintenance Guide
PM Level 1
The PM Level 1 is performed every 1500 cycles or 6 months whichever
comes first. When performing PM Level 2, the PM Level 1 procedures
should be done first. Following are the items serviced during this PM.
Inspect Seismic Restraints
Replace Vacuum Pump Oil
Vaporizer Plate/Vaporizer Maintenance
Drain Water From Air Storage Tank
Drain Pressure Regulator Moisture Trap
Drain Oil From Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filter Housing (not done on
Block 2.0)
Replace Vacuum Pump Oil Filter (Leybold D16A only)
Replace Exhaust Filters
Clean Air Filters/Panel Assemblies
Clean Door and Inside Chamber Assembly
Product Certification
Update PM Log
Seismic Restraint Inspection
1. Disengage the system from the brackets, then move it out of the way.
2. Make sure the bolts are tight, the brackets are in good shape, and the
flooring has not cracked or crumbled around the bolts.
3. If there is any problem, even if the brackets are only slightly loose,
contact the proper facilities maintenance personnel at the customer
site and make sure the brackets are properly tightened.
CAUTION: DO NOT replace the system back on the
brackets if they are loose