Sterilization System Routine Maintenance Guide
Drain the Air Storage Tank
The air storage tank is different on Block 2.0 machines. See the
following section for details.
1. Using a towel, cover the drain of the air storage tank, and then
slowly open the drain cock. On Block 2 systems, press the trigger or
turn the valve to fill the bottle. Then empty the bottle and replace it.
2. When no further water flows from the drain, close the drain cock.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 after 10 seconds. Clean up any areas splashed
with water.
Drain the Air Storage Tank (Block 2.0)
1. Locate the water collection bottle.
2. Press the air trigger or turn the valve and water flows from the tank
into the collection bottle.
3. Remove the bottle, empty it and replace it.
Drain the Pressure Regulator Moisture Trap
1. Place a towel below the pressure regulator trap prior to draining.
2. Press upwards through the towel on the button at the bottom of the
trap and permit water to escape.
Replace the Vacuum Pump Oil Filter
This procedure is for the Leybold D16A vacuum pump only. You should
complete this procedure before proceeding on to the next one. If you are
servicing a Block 2.0 device, proceed to “Drain the Pressure Regulator
Moisture Trap.” If you are servicing a pump without the oil return
feature, go to “Drain the Exhaust Filter
1. Remove the screws and washers attaching the gas ballast valve to the
oil casing. Remove the gas ballast valve.
2. Remove the oil filter from the gas ballast hole in the oil casing.
Remove any dirt or corrosion found on the gas ballast valve prior to
3. Install a new oil filter in the gas ballast hole in the oil casing.
Reinstall the gas ballast valve.