PFL Interlock
With this option enabled, it is possible to solo any PFL signal in isolation, so that selecting the PFL of one
channel, will release the PFL of any channel you may already be monitoring.
If this option is not ticked, it is possible to listen to the PFL of any number of paths, simply by stacking them up.
Tone and Talkback Preferences
Allow users to select the mode of the talkback keys and frequency, type and level for the tone generator.
Sync Select Preferences
The Sync Select page is used to determine the console sample rate, where the synchronisation source is and
whether or not vari-speed is in operation.
To save the changes to the Sync Select page Click the Apply button.
The system will attempt to use the requested settings. If a source is not available, the Actual Sync Source will
automatically set to INTERNAL and the Sample Rate will jump to the nearest of 44.1kHz or 48kHz if a pull down
rate was selected.
Monitoring Preferences
The Monitoring page is used to set the dim level the monitors are reduced to by DIM keys and how Bus/Tape
switching operates.
MCS Preferences and Presets
The MCS page is used to set the preferences for the Machine Control System.
It is split into four sub pages that are selected by clicking on the sub-page tabs.
MCS Preferences
Reference Source
This option informs the MCS how the timeline is sourced.
External LTC
Timecode is read from the Timecode Track on a tape machine. The MCS has no control over this machine.
The transport controls show the machine status according to incoming timecode.
System Menu
Issue 4
Page 18:11