Rights are the restrictions and permissions which are assigned to a Group of users on a Microsoft Windows NT
They apply on a general system-wide basis, as opposed to Permissions which apply to individual directories and
files in the system.
Each Username inherits the rights which apply to the Groups that the Username belongs to (a Username can
belong to more than one Group). A common practice is to set up a base Group which has Rights which apply to
all users (by default this Group is called Everyone) and then additional Rights are applied to special Groups
which are defined by the system administrator.
Permissions specify the access that particular Groups or Usernames have to files and directories. This allows
Groups or Usernames to be given access to, or locked out of, parts of the system which are applicable to the
work they need to perform.
User Administration
This section explains the steps required to set up and manage Usernames. The special Username
‘Administrator’ is supplied with Rights to manage user information.
The steps covered in this section are :
Logging in with the special Username of Administrator.
How to run the User Manager program.
How to add a new user which will be recognised by the system.
How to delete an existing user.
How to log out from the Administrator user.
Encore requires persons using the system to be set up with Usernames. This is because Encore stores
information against the Username.
Logging in as user Administrator
This can be done when starting up the system or by first exiting from Encore.
In the Welcome dialogue box, enter the Username as Administrator, ignore the From entry and enter the
Password for Administrator. Click on OK.
Microsoft Windows NT will now launch its own desktop and the Program Manager will be displayed.
The password for Administrator is included in the delivery pack for Logic MMC.
The password for Administrator must be kept in a secure place to prevent unauthorised access to your system at
this level.
Appendix A : User Administration
User Administration
Issue 4
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