Pre Roll
The Pre Roll Time set in MCS Preferences can be used with Locate and Cycle. Pre Roll places the transport an
extra amount in front of the Locate To or Cycle From time to allow the automation system to resolve timecode
correctly before reaching the Locate To or Cycle From time.
Pre Roll can also be useful when Safety Nets are enabled. If the Safety Net times are matched to the Cycle times
(e.g. using the same Labels), then Pre Roll will allow some audio to be heard immediately before the Safety Net
start time so that the changeover can be heard in context.
To use the Pre Roll Time click the Use Pre Roll Time check box so that an X is shown.
To change the Pre Roll Time click the Pre Roll Time button.
The MCS Presets page will be displayed.
Change the Pre Roll Time as required and Exit from Preferences.
Post Roll
The Post Roll Time set in MCS Preferences can be used with Cycle. Post Roll causes the transport to continue
playing by an extra amount after the Cycle To time has been reached. When the Cycle To time plus the Post Roll
is reached then the transport will rewind back to the Cycle From time (minus Pre Roll).
Post Roll is useful for preventing sudden transitions at the Cycle To time and can also be useful when Safety Nets
are enabled. If the Safety Net times are matched to the Cycle times (e.g. using the same Labels), then Post Roll
will allow some audio to be heard immediately after the Safety Net end time so that the changeover can be
heard in context.
To use the Post Roll Time click the Use Post Roll Time check box so that an X is shown.
To change the Post Roll Time click the Pre/Post Roll Time button.
The MCS Presets page will be displayed. Change the Post Roll Time as required and Exit from Preferences.
Roll Back
Roll Back is the amount by which the transport is moved back when the ROLL BACK key is pressed.
The Roll Back time is set with Encore and Roll Back will not operate if Encore is not active.
When Encore starts up, the current Roll Back time set in MCS Preferences is sent to the MCS.
To use Roll Back press the ROLL BACK key. The ROLL BACK key will illuminate.
Depending on how the machine executes a Roll Back, the REWIND key or the SHUTTLE key will also illuminate
while the transport is rolling back.
When the Roll Back is complete, the ROLL BACK key and REWIND or SHUTTLE key will cease to be illuminated.
Machine Control
Pre Roll
Issue 4
Page 15:5