To view lists of files for the selected items click the View button for either Encore or the archive.
A View dialogue box will be displayed. This shows details of the currently selected items and the file names that
are used for them.
Floating Timecode
This allows a box containing a Timecode display to be placed on the screen.
The Timecode is displayed with larger digits than the Timecode in the corner of the main Encore screen to make
reading Timecode easier when operators are some distance from the screen.
To display the Floating Timecode box either click the Floating Timecode option on the drop down Tools menu or
right click on the Timecode display on the main Encore screen.
The Floating Timecode box will be displayed.
To prevent the Floating Timecode box from being hidden by other Encore screens right click on the Floating
Timecode box. A small fly-out menu will appear. Click on Always On Top.
The Floating Timecode box will always be visible, regardless of other items selected on the screen. This may
mean that the box will require moving to access items which it hides.
The timecode box can be placed anywhere on either of the two screens and is scaleable to any size.
Format Disk
The Format Disk utility is provided so that users can format floppy and iomega Zip disks.
This utility will not allow fixed disks (i.e. hard disks) to be formatted.
Automotion is an offline utility for copying Desk Setups so they can be edited offline and for converting Desk
Setups and automation Mixes between different software versions.
At present, Automotion can convert Desk Setups and mixes from Version 2 to Version 2.5 Encore software, and
from Logic series consoles to Version 2.5 Encore.
Tools Menu
Floating Timecode
Issue 4
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