Assignable Logicator
The Assignable Logicator is the top Logicator on the fader strips. It can be set to operate as a small fader, an
input or output Track Trim control or it can be assigned to the function of any control.
The Assignable Logicator can also be locked to its current function on individual fader strips.
Track Trim on the Assignable Logicator
To select Input Trim only press the TRACK TRIM key .
To select Input or Output Trim press and hold the ASSIGN key at the top of the master section.
Set the upper channel strip to display either Input or Output and press either the input trim or output trim above
the logicator you wish to assign the trim to. Trim will then be assigned to the top logicator.
Press the LOCK KNOB key to prevent trim from being overwritten when changing layers.
Using the Assignable Logicator for the Upper Channel Strip
Press and hold the Assign Key in the layers and banks section of the master panel and touch the control which
you wish to place on the assignable logicator. This will put that control on the assignable logicator for that path.
Isolate Assignable Logicator from Global Changes
The function of the Assignable Logicator can be frozen on individual fader strips. To lock the function of an
Assignable Logicator press the LOCK KNOB key on the fader strip. The integral LED will illuminate red. When
the key is turned off, the Assignable Logicator will remain assigned to the same function until a new function is
selected with a global key (e.g. 2ND CHAN).
Assigning Different Layers to the Logicators
This is done by selecting the bank, then choosing either A, B, SUB A or SUB B using the keys directly under the
Upper Knob Assign keys.
Assignable Logicator
Issue 4
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