The list will show relay setup for input or output paths (as shown for inputs above). The columns are the same for
input and output paths.
This shows all valid input paths (Channels and Tracks) or output paths (Groups, Auxes and Main Outputs).
Fader Mic/Line
This can be set to Any, Mic or Line and is set to Any by default. This determines whether the relay associated with
the fader will be activated when there is a valid input on the Mic or Line input.
For instance, if this is set to Mic for Channel 1 then the fader relay will only fire (when the fader is over-pressed) if
Channel 1 is switched to Mic and there is a source connected to the Mic input.
To select Fader Mic/Line double click the entry for the required path.
Click Mic, Line or Any as required.
Fader Relay
This is the relay number that is switched by the fader overpress.
To select the relay number double click the entry for the required path and type the required relay number and
press <ENTER>.
If Auto Increment is enabled then the entry box will move to the next path.
If Auto Increment Value is also selected then the next unused relay number will be automatically entered in the
To cancel Auto Increment click the red X at the side of the entry box.
Mic Live Bus
This is used to select whether or not the path will affect either of the Mic Live busses when the relays are closed.
Mic Live Busses A and B are 'virtual' busses that can be used to switch relays when they are active. They are
activated by an open path from a Mic input to an output. This provides a signal integrity system which can be
customised as needed.
This is set to None by default.
For instance, Channel 1 is set to activate Mic Live Bus A. For Mic Live Bus A to go active then Channel 1 must be
set to Mic, the Mic input must be on, and the signal must have a clear path to an output.
Double click the entry for the required path and click None, A, AB or B as required.
When Fader Start Integrity System is checked then a relay associated with a path will only fire if the path has a
clear route to an output.
Tools Menu
I/O Config
Issue 4
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