Fader Strip
Logic MMC utilises Penny & Giles digital faders.
Faders have two scales - a conventional level scale with 10dB in hand and a trim scale for creating
VCA style trims.
Any settings for the selected channel will be displayed on the Logicators and the key LEDs.
The LED located adjacent to the fader indicates any processing that has been assigned to the path that
the fader is currently in, although the processing does not need to be enabled for its presence to be
The same panel also indicates whether the channel is mono or stereo and whether the phase has
been switched.
The channel name, either default or user defined, which has been assigned during the configuration
process will be displayed in the electronic scribble strip.
Two Logicators are located at the top of each strip, one for pan control and an assignable Logicator
whose function is determined by the three keys (ASSIGN, SMALL FADER, TRACK TRIM) located at the
top of the master panel.
Fader strips are provided with two scribble strips - a conventional scribble strip and an electronic
scribble strip.
See Automation Controls for an explanation of the automation keys.
The Logic MMC Console
Fader Strip
Issue 4
Page 3:4