Surround Stem Selection and Routing
There are three main steps for setting up Surround Stems to establish a full signal path through the console from
inputs to surround monitor outputs. A Surround Stem must first be constructed from Tracks (busses) to allow
routing to and from the Stem. Once the Stem has been created then the film monitors it needs can be selected
and inputs can be routed to the Tracks in the Stem. This can be done in any order.
This is not a fixed sequence of steps, but all the steps must be completed for surround monitoring to be heard.
This is an alternative to using Stem configuration in Desk Edit.
To select which Tracks (busses) form the Stem press the required Stem key (A-F) on the Stem and Recorder
control section.
Then press and hold the 1 key and press the required Track routing key above the Routing Screen. Release the 1
key and the Track name will be displayed above the 1 key. Repeat for the remainder of the Stem (keys 2, 3, 4,
etc.) according to the Stem Type (e.g. 4 for LCRS, 6 for 5.1, etc.).
Tracks (busses) are de-routed from Stems in the same way by pressing the selected source (red LED) to toggle it
out (green LED).
To select the speakers for monitoring a stem press the A-F key on the Stem and Recorder Control section for the
required stem. Then press and hold the required speaker key on the Surround Monitoring section and press the
1-8 keys on the Stem Control panel with a Track (bus) which has the correct Pan Designation.
The integral LED in the number key will turn red or orange flashing according to whether or not the Stem is
selected for monitoring on the STEM SEL section of the Surround Monitoring Panel. Release the speaker key.
Continue to select Stem elements to the speakers.
This can also be done in reverse - press and hold the number key then press the speaker key.
The speaker select key LEDs will be illuminated according to the FILM type in the current Desk Setup. E.g. If four
way surround sound (LCRS) is selected, the L, C, R and LS key LEDs will illuminate.
Surround Sound Panel
Surround Stem Selection and Routing
Issue 4
Page 9:3
5.1 Format Surround Sound Example:
Select Paths to form the Stem
To use Desk Edit to select which Track goes to which speaker
click on Tools on the
Encore Menu Bar and click on Desk Edit in the drop down Tools Menu.
The Config page of Desk Edit will be displayed.
Click on the Tracks tab. The Tracks page will be displayed.
Click the Pan Macros key. The Pan Macros dialogue box will be displayed.
Click the radio button for 5.1 Format and click OK.
The 5.1 Format will be propagated across all the Tracks in sets of 6.
Click the Save & Load button. The Desk Setup will be saved and the changes will be
allocated to the console.
Click the Exit button. The screen will return to the main Encore screen.
To assign Tracks 1 to 6 to Stem A
press the Stem A key on the Stem and Recorder
Control section of the Surround Sound panel and press the left nudge key above the
Routing Screen. This will ensure that the Track routing keys at the top of the screen are
assigned to Tracks 1 to 24.
Press and hold the 1 key on the Stem and Recorder Control section and press the key
for Track 1 above the Routing Screen. TRACK 1 will be displayed in the alpha above
the 1 key and the LED in the key for Track 1 above the Routing Screen will illuminate
Repeat for the 2 to 6 keys on the Stem and Recorder Control section, assigning Tracks
2 to 6 respectively. Tracks 1 to 6 now form Stem A.