Publication 1763-RM001C-EN-P - October 2009
Process Control Instruction
This chapter describes the MicroLogix 1100 Proportional Integral
Derivative (PID) instruction. The PID instruction is an output instruction
that controls physical properties such as temperature, pressure, liquid
level, or flow rate using process loops.
The PID Concept
The PID instruction normally controls a closed loop using inputs from an
analog input module and providing an output to an analog output
module. For temperature control, you can convert the analog output to a
time proportioning on/off output for driving a heater or cooling unit. An
example appears on page 299.
The PID instruction can be operated in the timed mode or the Selectable
Time Interrupt (STI mode). In the timed mode, the instruction updates its
output periodically at a user-selectable rate. In the STI mode, the
instruction should be placed in an STI interrupt subroutine. It then
updates its output every time the STI subroutine is scanned. The STI time
interval and the PID loop update rate must be the same in order for the
equation to execute properly. See Using the Selectable Timed Interrupt
(STI) Function File on page 268 for more information on STI interrupts.
PID closed loop control holds a process variable at a desired set point. A
flow rate/fluid level example is shown below.
The PID equation controls the process by sending an output signal to the
control valve. The greater the error between the setpoint and process
variable input, the greater the output signal. Alternately, the smaller the
Set Point
Flow Rate
Control Valve
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