Publication 1763-RM001C-EN-P - October 2009
How to Use 40kHz PTO/PWM of MicroLogix 1100 Series B Controller
Instruction issues
There are some instruction issues to support maximum frequency of PTO
& PWM up to 40kHz. Normally, MicroLogix and RsLogix500 treat data
variables as signed value. When a user sets the frequency value that is
greater than 32,767 using MOV, EQU, NEQ, LES, LEQ, GRT, GEQ, MEQ,
LIM, ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, NEG, ABS and SCP instructions, numerical
issues may happen. 2’s complement notation and hexadecimal values are
useful to solve this issue. (See Number Systems on page 579.)
MOV Instruction
When setting JF, OF, OFS of the PTO/PWM function file using the MOV
instruction, a user cannot enter a source operand value over 32,767 in
decimal format because the operand format is 16-bit signed integer
(-32,768...32,767) even though 16-bit unsigned integer (0...65,535) is
functionally supported by PTO/PWM. To solve this issue, 2’s complement
notation or hexadecimal value should be used. For example, if a user
MicroLogix 1100 compatibility with RSLogix500
ML1100 Project of RSLogix500
version 7.10 or lower
ML1100 Series A Project of
RSLogix500 version 7.2 or higher
ML1100 Series B Project of
RSLogix500 version 7.2 or
ML1100 Series A
ML1100 Series B
Display issues may occur.
Display issues may occur.
(1) (During Donwload) If OF or JF value is set over 20000, then MicroLogix 1100 Series A will report an error before running the PTO or PWM instruction.
(2) (During Upload) To set the OF or JF value over 32767, a negative decimal value or hex value should be entered. For example, to set OF value as 40000, OF = -25536 (dec) or
9C40H (hex) should be entered. OFS value will be also displayed as a negative decimal value if an OFS value is over 32767. No problem with the operation although
negative values are displayed.
New RSLogix500 compatibility with Old RSLogix500
ML1100 Project of
RSLogix500 version 7.10 or
ML1100 Series A Project of
RSLogix500 version7.2 or higher
ML1100 Series B Project of
RSLogix500 version7.2 or higher
Upload using RSLogix500
version 7.10 or lower
Display issues may occur.
Upload using RSLogix500
version 7.2 or higher
(1) If the values of OF, OFS, JF are greater than 32767, than these values will be displayed as negative value. For example : If the JF value is 40000 with Series B project of
RSLogix500 version 7.2 or later, then -25536 will be displayed with RSLogix500 version 7.10 or lower. No problem with operation although negative values are displayed. - Allen Bradley,Rockwell,plc,servo,drive