Publication 1763-RM001B-EN-P - April 2007
Communications Instructions
Special Function with
MSG instruction (OS
Series B FRN 4 or
MicroLogix 1100 Series B FRN 4 supports the configuration of IP Address,
Subnet Mask, Gateway Address, Default Domain Name, Primary Name
Server, and Secondary Name Server in the Ethernet Channel Configuration
File via Ethernet MSG instruction. Also, MicroLogix 1100 supports Email
Capability. These features can be done by sending the 485CIF write
message to local IP Address with ST file type.
Ethernet Channel Configuration Change Functionality
Configure MSG Setup Screen to change Ethernet Channel Configuration
PCCC Description: The adapter is not able to communicate with a module.
PCCC Description: The 1771 module response was not valid size, checksum, etc.
PCCC Description: Duplicated Label.
Target node cannot respond because another node is file owner (has sole file access).
Target node cannot respond because another node is program owner (has sole access to all files).
PCCC Description: Disk file is write protected or otherwise inaccessible (off-line only).
PCCC Description: Disk file is being used by another application; update not performed (off-line only).
Local communication channel is shut down.
Error Code
Description of Error Condition
For 1770-6.5.16 DF1 Protocol and Command Set
Reference Manual users: The MSG error code reflects the
STS field of the reply to your MSG instruction.
Codes E0 to EF represent EXT STS codes 0 to F.
Codes F0 to FC represent EXT STS codes 10 to 1C. - Allen Bradley,Rockwell,plc,servo,drive