Publication 1763-RM001C-EN-P - October 2009
processor files
The set of program and data files resident in the controller.
program file
Areas within a processor that contain the logic programs. MicroLogix
controllers support multiple program files.
program mode
When the controller is not scanning the control program.
program scan
A part of the controller’s operating cycle. During the program scan, the
logic program is processed and the Output Image is updated.
programming device
Programming package used to develop ladder logic diagrams.
The rules of data exchange via communications.
To acquire data. For example, the processor reads information from other
devices via a read message.
An electrically operated device that mechanically switches electrical
relay logic
A representation of binary or discrete logic.
To transfer a program from a device to a controller.
reserved bit
A location reserved for internal use. - Allen Bradley,Rockwell,plc,servo,drive