Publication 1763-RM001C-EN-P - October 2009
Compare Instructions
Use these input instructions when you want to compare values of data.
Used To:
EQU - Equal
Test whether two values are equal (=)
NEQ - Not Equal
Test whether one value is not equal to a
second value (
LES - Less Than
Test whether one value is less than a second
value (<)
LEQ - Less Than or Equal To
Test whether one value is less than or equal
to a second value (
GRT - Greater Than
Test whether one value is greater than a
second value (>)
GEQ - Greater Than or Equal To
Test whether one value is greater than or
equal to a second value (
MEQ - Mask Compare for Equal
Test portions of two values to see whether
they are equal
LIM - Limit Test
Test whether one value is within the range
of two other values
efesotomasyon.com - Allen Bradley,Rockwell,plc,servo,drive