7 Usage
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of the measurement that was measured during the selected time
7. If you would rather save the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as the
timestamp for your export file than the time set in your data logger, tick
the checkbox
Using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
in the
Select Export Settings
8. If the measurement shall be splitted and saved in several export files
(in case the measurement is larger than 128 MB) go to the section
Select export settings
and tick the checkbox
Split large .csv files
9. If the timestamp in your export file shall be rounded to 1 second, go to
the section
Select export settings
and enable the checkbox
Suppress milliseconds
10. In the line
Export to
click on the button
11. Select the file folder, to which you want to export and save the
selected measurement(s).
12. Click on
13. Click on the button
Export measurements.
The measurement(s) will be exported. This process can take some
In the data logger in the menu Memory, the output status will be
indicated in percent in the line
Output status
The measurement(s) will be saved as .csv file, as .txt file, and as
.sqlite file in the selected folder.
7.4.2 How to name upcoming Measurements
No measurement may be started.
1. In the home screen, tap on Memory
2. Tap on the field next to
Name of measurement.
3. Enter the desired name for the next measurement.
4. Tap on