G 01073 - Edition 08 - Januar
y 10
C 20
M4 monitoring system parameters
Purpose of the sensors
Waterflow sensor
Signals insufficient water with a threshold mecanically adjusted in
Allows the display of the nitrogen flowrate.
Signals insufficient gas purge during a warning time, and stops the
pumping at the end of alarm time.
Temperature sensor
Allows the regulation of the ADP temperature.
Manage the pump temperature (alert if T> alert threshold and alarm if
T > alarm threshold).
The sensor is fitted with a low temperature threshold
(Set temperature –15°C) signaling a pump is too cold.
Motor power sensor
Monitors the power consumed by the machine by generating an alert
followed by an alarm as soon as the power is greater than each of its
thresholds ; the pump is immediately stopped when alarm threshold is
Pressure sensor
Signals exhaust overpressure when the pressure reaches 1450 mbar
(exhaust pipe clogging) and stops the pump at 1990 mbar.
E. Analogic sensor
Allows the monitoring of voltage (0-10V) or an input contact with two
adjustable thresholds.
LI1, LI2 and LI3
Logic sensors
Allow the monitoring of a logic sensor and to program an alert time.
Auxiliary temperature
Allows the monitoring:
of the auxiliary temperature (option), or
of the Roots body temperature on ADS 602 P and H versions
(option), or
of dual cooling on ADS 1802 H functional block version.
(*) : ADS 602 P and H versions: a temperature sensor (PT 100) installed to monitor the Roots body temperature.
adixen Vacuum Products - Operating instructions - ADP/ADS Series Two