IM WT5000-01EN
Electrical Angle Measurement (Electrical Angle Measurement)
Turning Electrical Angle Measurement On and Off
When the MTR configuration is set to single motor (revolution signal: pulse), select whether to measure electrical
Harmonic Analysis Trigger (Harmonics Trigger)
Each input element can be divided into two groups Hrm1 and Hrm2, and harmonics can be measured.
Select the Hrm1 and Hrm2 harmonic analysis triggers from the following options.
• Z Phase 1 (Ch D): Motor1’s phase Z (channel D). This appears as an option when the electrical angle
measurement of Motor1 is set to on.
• Z Phase 3 (Ch H): Motor3’s phase Z (channel H). This appears as an option when the electrical angle
measurement of Motor3 is set to on. (Models with the motor evaluation 2 option)
• None
Harmonic Element Group (Hrm Element Group)
This is the dividing of each input element into groups Hrm1 and Hrm2.
Valid Electrical Angle Measurement Items (Valid EA Items)
These are the electrical angle measurement items. They are set automatically according to the harmonic
analysis trigger and harmonic element group settings.
Example: EaM1U1 is the electrical angle of M1 (motor 1) and U1 (voltage of element 1).
Electrical Angle Correction (Correction)
Set the electrical angle correction value.
Electrical Angle Correction (Electrical Angle Correction)
Set the correction value to a number from –180.00° to 180.00°.
Auto Correction Entry (Auto Enter Correction)
This instrument automatically sets the correction value to the difference between the phase of the voltage or
current whose correction value is being automatically computed and the current electrical angle phase.
Auto Correction Entry Target(Target)
Select the voltage or current to automatically enter the calibration value. The available options vary depending
on the installed elements.
U1, I1, U2, I2, U3, I3, U4, I4, U5, I5, U6, I6, U7, I7
Executing the auto correction entry (Execute)
An automatic electrical angle correction entry will be executed.
5 Motor Evaluation and Auxiliary Input (Option)